Spiritual Practices

There are sacred practices of faith described and encouraged in the Bible. These practices connect us to Yahweh and each other. These are “practices” in that we practice them regularly not as a check-list but as a journey. The resources below are a growing and changing library as we ourselves are also on the journey of practicing and growing in our spiritual practices.



In Matt 22:36-40, Jesus gives us this profound focus: Love God and Love neighbors… EVERYTHING else is based on these two things. This is our quest: To practice love.

Yahweh invites us to have a relationship with two-way interaction. Communicating with God (aka Prayer) is a practice and a journey that is available to everyone.

The Bible is an invitation to know Yahweh through the recorded stories of people and Yahweh in relationship.


“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus‬ ‭20:8‬. Sabbath creates beautiful and transformative things in our lives that cannot be found any other way.

The table is a space highlighted throughout the Bible as a place of community. Jesus practically lived a life of connection and discipleship by walking with people in community and gathering around the table.

Latin for “Divine Reading,” Lectio Divina is a traditional approach for meditating on scripture. The purpose is to slow down and ponder in relationship with Yahweh.


There is transformative power in the sacred practices of generosity (giving with intention to bless neighbors, community, & global projects) and the heart of tithes & offerings (giving in worship and surrender to Yahweh as our Provider and Source.)

Passover is an annual celebration meal established by Yahweh as a reminder and celebration of how He rescued the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt.